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Living green and saving green are as easy as owning a Lincolnberg Home.

Lincolnberg is a builder that performs!

Energy code requirements introduced into the building code in 2016 have allowed builders to choose how to achieve a more energy efficient home. Some builders are taking the path of least resistance by doing PRESCRIPTIVE compliance with code. This is essentially a checklist of items that will meet code but is not necessarily more energy efficient. Lincolnberg Master Builder has chosen the path of PERFORMANCE which, by definition, has to exceed code on energy use. Our focus on a more technical building, with attention to detail, will mean less energy used by your home and more money in your pocket.

Why are we the leader in Energy Efficiency?

ICF Foundations

Air Tightness

Energuide Rating

Energy Saver Packages

Insulated Concrete Foundations (ICF)

An energy efficient home starts with a solid foundation. In 2019 Lincolnberg Master Builder introduced Insulated Concrete Form, or ICF, foundations as the the new standard for our single family homes. Traditional construction homes use wood form to act like molds, which are then filled with concrete. ICF's are different because we use thermally insulated foam blocks that are reinforced with rebar for extra strength, then concrete is poured into the hollow blocks allowing them to stay in place permanently. While you cant see ICF foundation walls, you can certainly feel them through your enhanced home comfort, greater piece of mind, and the satisfaction of knowing your heating and cooling bills are about half of what they used to be.

Watch how we put a foundation together

Air Tightness & Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV)

Having an airtight home is incredibly important to reducing your environmental footprint. All well build home shouldn't be breathing through its frame, walls, and windows. Air that escapes wastes energy on heating and cooling and decreases the overall comfort of the home. We test for this by doing a blower door test to measure the amount of air changes in the home.

Watch how we do a blower test

An airtight home must be ventilated right and will have a well functioning "lung" system such as a Heat Recovery Ventilator to help your home ventilate and regulate humidity efficiently and without extra loss. An HRV takes your home's old, moist, and stagnant air and exhausts it out while simultaneously bringing in fresh air.

Learn how to care for your HRV unit

Energuide Rating

Every Lincolnberg Master Builder home receives an EnerGuide home evaluation to provide you with a label showing your home's energy performance rating, and operating costs. Your energy efficient Lincolnberg Master Builder home will save you money, increase the efficiency of the energy you use, and help reduce your carbon footprint without breaking your budget.

Learn why your EnerGuide rating is so important

Energy Saver Packages

We provide convenient pre-packaged options that will help save you conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint:

Fill out the form below to learn more about we can build your home with our Energy Efficient features!

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